Monokote® MK-6 S
A spray applied structural fire protection system Low density gypsum plaster with greater simplicity of installation
Monokote® MK-6 S is one of the world’s most widely
specified and used structural fire protection systems.
Monokote® MK-6 S is gypsum based (with no mineral
fibres), machine applied fire protection system. It is a
cost effective and fast application system for the fire
protection of steel and concrete structures. Monokote®
MK-6 S bonds tightly to steel and concrete substrates,
forming a hard surface which does not spall, dust or
flake. Being gypsum based, is not designed for
continuous exposure to weather or water.
In both BS476 and the new European Standards the fire
resistance performance of an element is judged against
the three criteria of load-bearing capacity, integrity and
insulation. The European Classification System will use
the abbreviations of R, E and I respectively.